Tuesday, June 26, 2012


"Be generous and you will be prosperous! Help Others and you will be helped." -Prov 11:25

Just as ever again... October 2012 Exam is soon to come... Acceptance of Examination Application by the Civil Service Commission had started... For those who are much planning to take... Please don't be left behind... And for those who got NO WELL-GUIDED PREPARATION IN GETTING HIGH CHANCE OF PASSING THE EXAM, we feel honored to have you helped. We are conducting a nationwide HADKOTZ HOMEBASED REVIEW SYSTEM! Again our phone number is available to those who who may be interested!
Mobile: 0906 5327 448

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    Engr. Jonathan E. Sihay
    (You can contact me at: +63 906 532 7448 (globe-Philippines)


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