Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just a republished FB Wall Comments - dtd JULY 29, 2010

"Be generous and you will be prosperous! Help Others and you will be helped." -Prov 11:25

On Thursday Morning, I got read one of my friend's Wall Post:
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it LOVE."
But I could not help except to comments on his/her Wall back! here's my Comments below: (What you think with my reply? How do you think to comments too... God is so happy to hear you!)
Here's my reply comments:
"Wow! WHAT an interesting discovery !!! If that's how weird LOVE could be (AS YOU NARRATED ABOVE)... Do you think GOd is so even more weird? or IS HE NOT PERFECT IN HIS LOVE? By gOD'S grace, WE ARE GIVEN a THE BEST OF ALL THE BEST CHANCE T...HE WORLD CAN GIVE, to be back to God in his Holiness and Righteousness, NO ONE QUALIFIES IN HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, NOT BECAUSE ONE IS BAD!, BUT BECAUSE OF HIS LOVE, HE SENT HIS SON TO DIE FOR OUR SINS. INSTEAD OF WE THE ONE TO BE CONDEMNED AND PUNISHED. BUT GLORY TO HIS LOVE AND MERCY AND BY HIS GRACE, WE ARE SAVED FROM OUT CONDEMNATION OF SIN. Yes No One WAS AND IS able to comply or to obey the RIGHTEOUS REQUIREMENTS OF HIS GLORY. (Did you not lie? Did you not steal?, God's law is so perfect! and in His righteousness, No one has obeyed the LAW not because NO wants to? but because NO ONE IS CAPABLE TO! But glory to God, there's one WHO IS! ) We all sin and come fall short the Glory of God (r 3:23).... But we can be righteous in His presence not by the power of HOW GOOD WE ARE... (in God's eyes all and what ever goodness a man has, is still a rug into His eyes)... But again we are saved, NOT BECAUSE WE ARE GOOD BUT BECAUSE OUR SIN IS PAID BY THE SUFFERINGS, AND DEATH OF A SINLESS MAN - JESUS! And BY BELIEVING IN ONE'S HEART THAT GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, and of course by first CONFESSING ONE'S MOUTH THAT JESUS IS LORD, then one is saved.... AND LET'S MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THE "ONE" who do (Romans 10:9-10) IS RIGHTEOUSLY SAVED! So that "one" includes YOU AND ME! I repeat it INCLUDES YOU AND ME! Would that not be a PERFECT OFFER and sacrifice for you too? not only for you and me, but to all people? "For God so loveD the world that he gAve His only begotten Son that whosoever (you, me and others) believeS in HIm shall NOT PERISH BUT HAVE AN EVERLASTING LIFE! (John 3:16)It's not only for yesterday and today and tomorrow! BUT IT'S ETERNAL! Just confess and believe? Yes! IN OUR MINDS THAT'S MEDIOCRE! BUT BY GOD'S TRUTH and MERCY -- IT'S THE TRUTH FOREVER AND ETERNAL! --- THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED---- GRACE! the unmerited favor!We are no longer condemned but by His Grace we are saved! glory to god in his GREAT LOVE!

Heheyyyy , Let's sing together: "for the kingdom and the power and the glory are YOURS, forever and ever Amen!"---- HIS Instrument: jonsihay"

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